Catalogue of Turkic Studies Monographs

 Uyghur Heritage

Monograph Section

  • Duan, L., 1988. Ding Ling, Gao Che and Tiele. Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.
  • Geng, S., 1994. Introduction to Dunhuang Turkic Uighur Documents. Taipei: Xinwenfeng Publishing Company.
  • Renéfang, 1984. Explanation of the Inscriptions of the Eastern Turkic Khanate. Translated by G. Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences.
  • Kliash Torny, 1984. Ancient Turkic Runic Inscriptions--Original Documents on the History of Central Asia. Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences.
  • Kliash Tornei, 1991. Ancient Turkic Runic Inscriptions--Original Documents on the History of Central Asia. Translated by L. Peijuan. Heilongjiang Education Press.
  • Rui, C., 1998. Research on Ancient Turkic Inscriptions. Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House.
  • Yang, S., 1991. History of Huihe. Jilin: Jilin Education Press.
  • Lin, Q., 1994. History of Huihe. Inner Mongolia: Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House.
  • Bi, C., 1986. Uighurs and Uighurs. Taipei: Xinwenfeng Publishing Company.
  • Li, F., 1963. History of the Uighurs. Taipei: Wenfeng Publishing House.
  • Yang, F., 1998. Buddhism of the Uighurs. Xinjiang: Xinjiang People's Publishing House.
  • Liu, M., 1988. Two Tang Dynasty Books Uighur Biography and Evidence. Central University for Nationalities Press.
  • Yang, F. & Niu, R., 1995. Shazhou Uighurs and Their Documents. Gansu: Gansu People's Publishing House.
  • Duan, L., 1988. Xue Yantuo in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Sanqin Publishing House.
  • Cai, H., 1999. Nine Hu Surnames in the Tang Dynasty and Turkic Culture. Zhonghua Book Company.
  • Cheng, S., 1993. Collection of Uighur History in Tang and Song Dynasties. People's Publishing House.
  • Wu, Y., 1998. Research on the History of the Relationship between the Turkic Khanates and the Sui and Tang Dynasties. China Social Sciences Press.
  • Cen, Z., 1958. Collected History of the Turks. (two volumes) Zhonghua Book Company.
  • Bazin, 1999. Research on the Turkic Calendar. Translated by G. Sheng. Zhonghua Book Company.
  • Ma, C., 1957. Turks and the Turkic Khanate. Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.
  • Lin, Q., 1988. History of the Turks. Inner Mongolia: Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House.
  • Xue, Z., 1992. History of the Turks. China Social Sciences Press.
  • Lin, E., 1978. Turkic Studies. Taiwan: Taiwan Commercial Press.
  • Lin, Q., 1987. Selected Essays on the History of Turks and Uighurs. (two volumes) Zhonghua Book Company.
  • Liu, Y., n.d. Uyghur Studies. Taipei: Zhengzhong Bookstore.
  • Geng, S., 1983. Introduction to Uyghur Ancient Culture and Documents. Xinjiang: Xinjiang People's Publishing House.
  • Feng, J., Cheng, S. & Mu, G., 1981. Introduction to Ancient Uyghur Culture and Documents. Nationalities Publishing House.
  • Geng, S., 1980. The Legend of Oghuz Khan. Xinjiang People's Publishing House.
  • Sha Wan, 1958. Historical Materials of Western Turks. Translated by F. Chengjun. Zhonghua Book Company.
  • Cen, Z., 1958. Supplement and Textual Research on Western Turkic Historical Materials. Zhonghua Book Company.
  • Barthold, 1980. A Brief History of Central Asia. Translated by G. Shimin. Xinjiang People's Publishing House.
  • Barthold, 1984. Twelve Lectures on the History of Turks in Central Asia. Translated by L. Zhiping. China Social Sciences Press.

Thesis Part

  • Wang, 1982. Apo Khan is the founder of the Western Turkic Khanate--Also on the split of the Turkic Khanate and the formation of the Western Turkic Khanate. Historical Research, Issue 2.
  • Hu, Y., n.d. Ashide Yuanzhen and Dunyu Valley. Translated by W. Yongming.
  • Wu, Y., 1989. An Examination of Different Essays on Ashina Helu's Surrender to the Tang Dynasty. Journal of Xinjiang University, Issue 1.
  • Wu, Y., 1988. Ashnami Archery Examination. Ethnic Studies, Issue 1.
  • Rui, C., 1991. Study on the "prehistoric" residence of the Ashina people. Northwestern Ethnic Studies, Issue 2.
  • Guo, P., 1979. Ashina's Loyalty in the Western Regions. Xinjiang History, Issue 1.
  • Cen, Z., 1937. Postscript of Tujue Wenque Teqin Stele. Fu Renxue Zhi, Volume 6, No. 1 and 2.
  • Cen, Z., 1961. The Ancient Turkic Language in the Songs of Chu. Journal of Sun Yat-sen University (Social Science Edition), Issue 2.
  • Uchida, Y. & Chen, J., 1981. Research on the History of the Early Geluolu Tribe. Ethnic Translation Series, Issue 6.
  • Su, B., 1983. From Charioteers to Gaochang Uighurs. Northwest History and Geography, Issue 1.
  • Wang, R., 1935. A Study of the Western Uighurs in Congling. Yu Gong, Volume 4, Issue 5.
  • Xue, Z., 1986. The Political Structure of the Eastern Turkic Khanate. Xinjiang Social Sciences, Issue 2.
  • Han, R., 1936. Reading Notes on the Monument of Jia Khan. Yu Gong, Volume 6, Issue 6.
  • Han, R., 1935. Notes on Reading Que Teqin Monument. Report of the National Peking Research Institute, Volume 6, Issue 6.
  • Geng, S., 1978. The Spread of Buddhism among the Turks and Uighurs in Ancient Xinjiang. Journal of Xinjiang University, Issue 2.
  • Li, F., 1996. The Spread of Buddhism among the Uighurs. Special Issue of Dunhuang Studies in Celebration of Mr. Pan Shichan's Ninth Birthday. Taipei: Wenjin Publishing House.
  • Li, F., 1991. Turks in Gaochang Food Documents. Northwestern Ethnic Studies, Issue 1.
  • Ge, M., 1980. Gaochang Uighur Kingdom. Translated by G. Shimin. Journal of Xinjiang University, Issue 2.
  • Jiang, B., 1990. Gaochang Qu Dynasty and Eastern and Western Turks--A Study of Documents from the Guest House in Turpan. Collection of Research on Dunhuang and Turpan Documents, Volume 5. Peking University Press.
  • Geng, S., 1980. A Brief Description of Ancient Turkic Steles and Inscriptions. Archaeological Reference Materials, No. 3 and 4. Central Institute for Nationalities.
  • Geng, S., 1980. An Overview of Ancient Uyghur (Uighur) Texts and Documents. Chinese History Research Trends, Issue 3.
  • Rui, C., 1994. Research on the Legends of Ancient Turkic Ancestors. Western Regions Research, Issue 2.
  • Takao, M. & Chen, J., 1980. On the Westward Migration of the Uighurs. Ethnic Translation Series, Issue 1.
  • Duan, L., 1984. Several Issues Concerning the Early History of Western Turks and the Western Turkic Khanate - Discussion with Comrade Wang. Xinjiang Social Sciences, Issue 3.
  • Pelliot & Feng, C., 1934. The Origin of the Name "Turk" in Chinese Translation. Historical and Geographic Textual Research Translation Series of the Western Regions and South China Sea, Part 2. Commercial Press.
  • Duan, L., 1978. The Establishment and Disintegration of the Uighur Regime in Hexi. Journal of Northwest University, Issue 4.
  • Rui, C., 1991. Research on the Battle Locations of Later Turks and Turks. Shilin, Issue 1.
  • Rui, C., 1991. Research on the "Eastern Expedition" of the Post-Turkic Regime. Chinese Literature and History Series, No. 47.
  • Cheng, S., 1979. The Rise of Uighurs and Their Relationship with the Tang Dynasty. History Education, Issue 7.
  • Liu, M., 1980. A Study on the Change of Uighur Name to Uighur. Journal of Jiangxi Normal University, Issue 1.
  • Liang, Y., n.d. Translation and Annotation of Uighur History. Border Affairs Public Theory, Volume 2, Issue 3-8.
  • Tikhonov & Geng, S., 1978. Uighur Culture and Customs. National History Translation Collection, Issue 6.
  • Vladelov & He, Q., 1935. Research on the Uighur Problem. Tianshan, Volume 1, Issue 5.
  • Sheng, Q., 1984. Research on the Uighur Capital Karabalghasun. Inner Mongolia: Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House.
  • Chuanming, R., 1985. A Discussion on the Causes of the War between Turks and Central Plains Dynasties in the Second Half of the Sixth Century. Northwestern History and Geography, Issue 3.
  • Chuanming, R., 1985. Questioning the "Silk Horse Trade" between the Early Turks and the Central Plains Dynasty. Gansu Ethnic Studies, Issue 2.
  • Wu, Y., 1985. Review of the History of the Western Turks during the Zhenguan Period. Journal of Central Asia, Issue 4.
  • Zongzheng, X., 1985. Research and Analysis on the History of the Founding of the Western Turks - Also Commenting on Shawan's Theory and Wang's Theory. Xinjiang Social Sciences, Issue 4.
  • Ma, C., 1985. Review of Turkic Issues. Journal of Central Asia, Issue 4.
  • Han, R., 1935. The History and Development of Turkic Scripts. Archaeological Journal, Issue 2.
  • Shimin, G., 1980. Turkic Ancient Inscriptions and Steles. Archaeological Reference Materials, Issue 3 and 4. Central Institute for Nationalities.
  • Pelliot, 1930. Turkic Historical Materials. Translated by W. Haoran. National Compilation Translation Series, Issue 2.
  • Lin, Q., 1987. A Brief Discussion on Some Issues in the History of Western Turks. In: Selected Essays on the History of Turks and Uighurs. Zhonghua Book Company, pp. 330-356.
  • Lin, Q., 1986. On the Split of the Turkic Khanate. Northwest History and Geography, Issue 3.
  • Xu, Q., 1985. The Split of the Turkic Khanate. Ethnic Studies, Issue 4.
  • Yao, L., 1985. Research on the Relationship between the Turks and the Tang Dynasty. Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), Issue 3.
  • Wu, X., 1985. Turkic Culture and Politics in the Tang Dynasty. Northwest History and Geography, Issue 2.
  • Qian, L., 1984. Chronicles of Western Turks. Xinjiang Social Sciences, Issue 1.
  • Su, B., 1984. The Political Structure of the Eastern Turkic Khanate. Northwest History and Geography, Issue 2.
  • Qian, L., 1982. On Several Issues in the History of Western Turks. Chinese Literature and History Series, Issue 2.
  • Zhang, B., 1981. History of the Turks in the Tang Dynasty. Central Nationalities Institute Journal, Issue 1.
  • Liu, X., 1985. Trying to Solve the Mystery of Turkic Mud Li. Journal of Xinjiang University (Philosophy and Society Edition), Issue 3.
  • Gu, S., 1984. On Turkic Names and Their Meanings. Chinese Ethnic Studies, Issue 3.
  • Qian, L., 1981. Turkic Customs and Religion. Ethnic Studies, Issue 2.
  • Su, B., 1981. Turkic Administration and Governance. Chinese History, Issue 4.
  • Liu, X., 1981. Turkic Language and Scripts. Journal of Central Asia, Issue 2.
  • Yang, J., 1984. The Formation, Subordinate Tribes and Related Issues of the Western Turks. Northwestern History and Geography, Issue 2.
  • Shimin, G., 1981. Translation of Uighur Buddhist Sutras Seen in Western Regions and Dunhuang Documents. Dunhuang Studies, Issue 3.
  • Kliashtorny, S. & Geng, S., 1980. Turkic Studies--Original Documents. Xinjiang People's Publishing House.
  • Geng, S., 1980. Translation of Uighur Buddhist Sutras Seen in Western Regions and Dunhuang Documents. Dunhuang Studies, Issue 3.
  • Matsuda, H., 1982. History of the Rise of the Turks. Northwestern History and Geography.
  • Wang, R., 1981. Turkic Language and Literature. Ethnic Studies, Issue 2.
  • Fuxue, Y., 1995. Shazhou Uighurs and Their Documents. Lanzhou: Gansu People's Publishing House.
  • Fuxue, Y., 1998. Buddhism of the Uighurs. Xinjiang People's Publishing House.
  • Qian, L., 1984. Several Issues Concerning the Early History of Western Turks. Ethnic Studies, Issue 2.
  • Fuxue, Y., 1985. Research on the Uighur Buddhist Sutras of the Western Regions. Journal of Xinjiang University, Issue 3.
  • Qingzhu, H., 1985. The Western Turkic Empire and Its Relations with the Tang Dynasty. Journal of Central Asia, Issue 4.
  • Zongzheng, X., 1984. Research and Analysis on the History of the Founding of the Western Turks - Also Commenting on Shawan's Theory and Wang's Theory. Xinjiang Social Sciences, Issue 4.
  • Lin, Q., 1987. A Brief Discussion on Some Issues in the History of Western Turks. In: Selected Essays on the History of Turks and Uighurs. Zhonghua Book Company, pp. 330-356.
  • Lin, Q., 1986. On the Split of the Turkic Khanate. Northwest History and Geography, Issue 3.
  • Yang, J., 1984. The Formation, Subordinate Tribes and Related Issues of the Western Turks. Northwestern History and Geography, Issue 2.


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